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Funding awarded

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Research Technical Professional (RTP) network funding


The Leeds Nanotechnology Cleanroom, through it's senior Experimental Officer Dr Mark Rosamond, is proud to be part of a UKRI-funded and RTP-led 'National Technical Platform for Materials Innovation' with the Henry Royce Institute. This scheme will empower the RTP community working in materials and associated manufacturing technology through training, development and professional networking opportunities.

New funding - Oxidation Furnace


The Leeds Nanotechnology Cleanroom has been awarded funds from the EPSRC Impact Acceleration Award for the purchase of an oxidation furnace. This system will include both wet and dry oxidation capablities, and will be able to handle up to 25 x (50 - 150mm) wafers.

Funding awarded - Semiconductor Parameter Analyser


The Leeds Nanotechnology Cleanroom has applied successfully for funding from EPSRC, from a combination of the "NAME" programme grant and an internal IPE annual bid process for a B1500A parameter analyser from Keysight. The system will be configured with x4 SMUs (including x2 high power), plus options (TBC) from a multi-frequency capacitance measurement module, high-power...

Funding awarded - High-frequency probe station


We have secured funding from DSTL for a new DC-RF compatible probe station. The system is a Cascade (FormFactor) EPS150RF with four microwave probe heads and DC adaptors. We have also been awarded additional funding from the EPSRC "NAME" programme grant to upgrade the system to include high resolution optics, imaging capability and a heated...

New funding - Dry Etch and Deposition Systems


We are pleased to annouce that the LNC has been awarding funding of up almost £3M (including a £2.6M contribution from EPSRC, EP/W006472/1) for a suite of four dry etch and deposition systems, including: A deep-silicon reactive ion etcher for through-hole / high-aspect ratio etching into silicon wafers. A general purpose ICP-RIE. A general purpose...

New funding - PVD systems


We are pleased to announce that the LNC has been awarded matched funding to purchase two new PVD systems, including a thermal evaporator and a mixed electron-beam / thermal evaporator. The systems are currently out for tender, for expected delivery and installation in July 2022.